Calculate your ROI with the Adomik Platform

Smart Advertising

To turn insights into revenue

The Adomik Platform is used by leading Publishers to collect and organize their revenue data from their ad servers, SSPs (supply-side platforms), and header bidding partners. Adomik delivers aggregated visibility and insights into their monetization for Publishers to increase their yield.

Get Started

Used by the world’s most trusted ad publishers

Microsoft Logo
Tripadvisor Adomik client
Adomik Client- Cox Automotive - Used by the world's most trusted ad publishers
Dotdash Meredith Logo Adomik client

Adomik Revenue Management Platform

Manage your programmatic revenue and increase efficiency
with ready-to-use solutions

Adomik Sales Enablement Platform

Leverage your data and grow your direct and programmatic business
with ready-to-use solutions

Make more revenue with Adomik

Smart Advertising Analytics

Leverage your advertising revenue data, from cross-stack aggregated revenue down to bid level details, enriched with market benchmarking insights, to supercharge your advertising team and maximize your yield.

Manage your ad revenue like a boss!

Gain full transparency into your supply chain
and across brands, agencies and SSPs
to develop more profitable ad revenue strategies

Achieve +10% incremental revenue
like other Adomik clients 


Strengthen your ad operations

Quickly identify issues and leverage advertising analytics and insights to troubleshoot your deals / PMPs (Private Marketplace) and your stack setup
Read our
white paper on PMP management

+ 12%

Capture more
advertiser spending

Fire up your sales team with insights on all new programmatic campaigns and brand budgets
popping up within your market

Attract +15% incremental revenue

+ 15%

For whom

Leaving data in silos is a sure-fire way to limit your success. Adomik will help you provide uniform, accurate, relevant and actionable data across your organization.

adomik ops illustration for who


Troubleshoot PMP, Deal and Open Auctions issues to unlock new revenue flows

adomik sale illustration for who


Attract more budgets from programmatic buyers. Find out how!

adomik management illustration for who


Manage internal and financial reportingsales compensations and publisher settlements

adomik finance illustration for who


Feed your information system with the most  accurate and detailed revenue data. Leaving it ready to be audited

Find the Right Set up for Your Team

to make the most from Adomik advertising analytics

Data Engine

Your data, collected, harmonized, mapped, customized

The Data Engine, the heart of the Adomik Platform. It connects to all your advertising monetization sources, dynamically collects your advertising data, from revenue down to bid level, harmonizes it to create a consistent dataset, maps under unique names the multiple labels of brands, buyers, bidders to make the data fully actionable for your advertising teams, and last but not least, adds comparison points with the advertising market.

For the data to be perfectly fit to your organization and use cases, the Date Engine also understands the structure of your advertising stack to avoid double counting ad requests, impressions or revenue from header bidding and gives you multiple options of customizations.

The Data Engine eliminates time-consuming and complex engineering projects to deliver you with the data to make your monetization thrive. Activate Adomik Apps to leverage your data or rely on Data Export to ingest it into your cloud.

Discover Our Data Connectors

Adomik Data Engine

Your advertising data collected

80+ pre-built connectors available

Immediate and seamless connector activation

“API and log level” data connections fully managed and maintained by the Adomik team

Your advertising data harmonized

Standardized and unified data, with automated grouping and reconciliation of similar data points (sales channels, formats, devices,etc.) across your Ad servers and Header Bidding

Deduplicated revenue, ad request, impressions, fill rates with no double counting due to header bidding

Clean revenue calculation with gross to net transformation, and accurate currency conversions

Your advertising data mapped

Mapping under unique names of all various labels for Brands, Buyers, Bidders and more

Fully managed service and/or self-service custom mapping

Your advertising data customized

Custom dimensions to generate new insights based on data collected on-demand or recombined based on your needs

Custom profiles to adapt the data for the teams or users of your choice

never_miss_opportunity_August 2021 copy

Smart Advertising Analytics to turn insights into advertising revenue

And never miss an opportunity!